Common Self-Storage Moving Mistakes to Avoid

Are you getting ready to move your belongings into storage? To help you save time and stress, and ensure you get the most out of your storage unit, here are a few common self storage moving mistakes to avoid:

Not labelling your boxes

Amidst the rushing around and chaos that is moving, many people often skip labelling their boxes to save time. Fast forward a month later when you need to grab something from your storage unit, but you have completely forgotten where you packed it. There is nothing more frustrating and time-consuming than having to rifle through every box to find what you came for. Save yourself a lot of time and stress in the future and label your boxes. We recommend labelling boxes by room with a number and keeping a detailed record of all the items that are in each box. That way, you can reference your inventory list and quickly find what you need when you need it.

Trying to reserve a moving truck the day of your move

The most common days people move are the first and last day of any month, which means reservations on moving trucks fill up fast. More often than not, people wait until the last minute to book a moving truck only to be told that there are none available in their city. Don’t wait until moving day to start finding a moving truck. To get the time slot and moving truck you want, start your search 1-2 months before your moving date. 

Not giving yourself enough time

Not giving yourself enough time to organize and properly stack your items in your storage unit will make it a nightmare to access. You want to be able to access your storage unit without having to rearrange it every time. If you leave everything to the last minute on moving day, you’ll likely find yourself tossing boxes and furniture into your unit in a rush – potentially damaging your belongings, hurting yourself, and creating a cluttered disaster. Do yourself a favour and plan your moving day well in advance. Check the hours of the storage office and storage facility and make sure you plan to give yourself and/or movers enough time to get your storage unit properly organized and accessible.

Not getting the right boxes

Whether you’re storing your items short-term or long-term, it’s important to pack your belongings in the right boxes. Using weak boxes that aren’t designed for absorbing weight won’t up stand up well during the move or in storage as they can bulge, tear or collapse. Instead, invest in moving boxes designed for moving and storage. Try to stick to 1-2 different sizes of boxes so you can efficiently stack your boxes and utilize your storage space to the fullest. Use larger moving boxes for lighter items and smaller moving boxes for heavier items. When stacking, be sure to place heavy boxes at the bottom and lighter boxes at the top. 

Avoiding Self Storage Mistakes

Need a few more storage tips? If you’re getting ready to move your items into storage and need some expert advice, contact your nearest U-Lock location and our storage specialists would be happy to answer your questions and set you up with the right storage unit that best fits your needs.

New Year Resolutions for a Less Cluttered Home

Let’s make 2020 our least cluttered year yet! Get more organized and reduce clutter around your home with these new year resolutions!

Let’s make 2020 our least cluttered year yet! Get more organized and reduce clutter around your home with these new year resolutions:

#1 Tackle Your Worst Clutter Zones

Almost every room in the home has at least one clutter zone – the nightstand full of odds and ends; the desk drawer packed with unopened mail; the mountain of shoes stacked in the entryway; the infamous junk drawer piled with all those knick knacks you have no idea what to do. Often just casualties of daily life, these areas are clutter magnets for anything and everything. With the new year upon us, it’s time to put a few minutes aside and transform these out-of-control clutter zones into clean-and-tidy spaces! 

  • Completely empty out the spaces and organize everything into piles.
  • Throw out anything that belongs in the trash or recycle.
  • Put anything that belongs elsewhere back in its proper spot.
  • Try out a few different arrangements for your contents to find the one that’s right for you and stick with it.

#2 Wardrobe Update: Declutter Closet and Dresser Drawers

It’s super easy to accumulate clothing that you don’t wear anymore. As the years go by, our styles change, we outgrow things and we keep a lot of “just in case” or “back-up” options. Whatever the case may be, if you have clothing that’s uncomfortable to wear, haven’t touched in the past year, or hate the way it looks on you, donate it. If it’s stained, unusable or just falling apart, throw it away. To figure out what stays and what goes, try asking yourself:

  • Have I worn it in the past year?
  • Does it fit me?
  • Do I like the way I look in it?

If you answered “no” to any of the above questions, then you have some clothes to get rid of!

#3 Kitchen Clutter Hotspot: Organize Your Pantry

The kitchen pantry often becomes of hotspot of clutter. There’s a lot of things in there you don’t need –  half eaten chip bags, numerous canned vegetables, opened boxes of cereal, snack bars and suspiciously old spices, to name a few.  We often see these things on the shelf so often that we stop thinking about them, accumulating more and more. Not anymore! The new year is the perfect time to give your pantry a much needed makeover. Throw out stale or expired items, donate anything you’re not going to eat to your local food bank and if there’s anything in there you don’t remember buying, probably safe to say that can go too.

Here’s a few pantry items to start with:

  • Suspiciously old spices 
  • Breakfast Cereals
  • Canned vegetables
  • Cooking Oils
  • Nuts
  • Crackers
  • Brown sugar

#4 Cut Down On Paper Clutter

Paper accumulates in our homes fast. Our drawers and cupboards are full of receipts, unopened mail, take-out menus, instruction manuals and flyers. If you’re sick and tired of dealing with piles of paper in your home, here’s a few ways you can cut down on paper clutter:

  • Go digital. Change receiving your bank and utility statements and notifications from mail to email. Most banks and major utility companies will offer this.
  • Cut down subscriptions. Recycle your stacks of magazines and newspapers and switch to digital.
  • Buy a shredder. We often hold onto paperwork we don’t need because we’re worried about privacy. A small shredder is a simple solution for getting rid of that sensitive paperwork you don’t need.
  • Scan everything. Notes with information you want to keep, old photographs or artwork from your children are a few of the paper items you can get rid of but still keep forever. Scan everything you can and save them on your computer, external hard drive or cloud storage. A scanner is a relatively low-cost option that will help you cut down on a lot of paper.

Wanting to clear up more space in your home? U-Lock Mini Storage has convenient storage locations across British Columbia and can provide the storage unit and services you need to enjoy a clutter-free lifestyle.

8 Things You Should Never Put in a Storage Unit

When moving out of one home to another, a self storage unit is a perfect storage solution for many things, but there are a few items that for safety and legal reasons, cannot be stored. Like any other rental space, there are limitations in your lease on what you can store, and if you fail to comply with these policies and regulations, you could be responsible for any potential damage that may occur. To save you time and stress when you are in the middle of your next move, here’s a list of things you should never put inside your storage unit.

1. Food & Perishables

Storage units cannot be used as a pantry. Food and perishable items left for a prolonged period of time can attract unwelcome critters like rodents and insects that can not only destroy the items in your unit, but in neighboring units as well. Secondly, expired foods will rot and start emitting unwanted odors, creating favorable conditions for bacteria and mold to grow and spread inside your unit. To avoid these issues, simply keep perishable food items out of your storage unit.

2. Animals

Goes without saying, right? Never leave a pet or any animal inside a storage unit! Storage units cannot serve as kennels for your pets, or a holding space for exotic animals. If for whatever reason you can no longer care for a pet after a move, leave your pet with a family member, trusted friend, or adopt them to another person that will provide the loving home the animal deserves.

3. Plants

Storage units cannot provide the three essentials plants need to survive: sunshine, water and fresh air. Furthermore, plants can attract pests and insects, potentially creating more problems. If you cannot find the space for your plants in your current residence, consider storing your leafy friends with family, friends, or giving them away to interested people who want to take care of them.

4. Wet Items

Before you put your items in a storage unit, whether it be heated storage or non-heated storage, make sure they are 100% dry. Moisture will create the right conditions for mold, mildew and bacteria to spread in your self storage unit, causing serious damage to your possessions. 

5. Dangerous Materials

Any items that burn, explode or corrode can pose serious risk to human health, lead to costly property damage, and are forbidden by law. Strongly prohibited hazardous and combustible materials that cannot be stored inside a storage unit include: fuels, chemicals, acids, gases, pesticides, liquor, fireworks, and medical waste. If you are unsure about the items you are storing, always inquire with your storage company first.

6. Cannabis

With the legalization of cannabis, you may be wondering if you can store it inside a storage unit. The simple answer, no. You cannot store or grow cannabis inside a storage unit.

7. Unregistered Vehicles

Only vehicles that are registered, fully operational, and have storage insurance may be stored at a storage facility. This includes cars, trucks, boats, trailers, RVs and motorcycles.

8. Irreplaceable Items

While storage companies take many precautions to keep their sites safe and secure, a storage unit is not an ideal place to store valuable, one-of-a-kind items such as money, jewelry or important documents like passports, birth certificates, or family photos. It is recommended you keep such items in a safety deposit box in your bank or invest in a high-quality safe for your residence.

Insure your belongings 

Now that you know what can and cannot be stored in your storage unit, it’s time to look into the proper insurance you need for your belongings. Storage companies are responsible for maintaining the safety of the site, but are not responsible for your personal belongings. Getting proper coverage for your items will ensure your belongings are protected in storage and give you peace of mind.

What Size Storage Unit Do You Need?

ed to rent a storage unit but have no clue what size you need? It can be difficult determining how much space you may need, especially if you are renting a storage unit for the first time.

Need to rent a storage unit but have no clue what size you need? It can be difficult determining how much space you may need, especially if you are renting a storage unit for the first time. Every storage facility offers a variety of sizes, but which one is best to fit your needs? To avoid renting a unit too big or small, check out the following guide for an estimate of how much can fit in each size unit:

  • 5×5 Unit: Ideal for items such as chairs, boxes, miniature desks, golf clubs, tires, seasonal items, documents & records.
  • 5×10 Unit: Recommended for a small one-bedroom apartment or dorm (without appliances). Ideal for chairs and small dining set, bicycles, boxes, kitchen appliances, small mattresses, or a motorcycle.
  • 10×10 Unit: Recommended for a large one-bedroom or small two-bedroom apartment/condo. Ideal for storing small to large items such as large appliances, furniture, king-size mattresses, and furniture. ​​​​​​
  • 10×15 Unit: Recommended for storing the contents of a two-bedroom condo or townhouse. Store items such as landscaping equipment, business merchandise, large furniture, or full dining room.​​​​​​
  • 10×20 Unit: Recommended for the contents of a three-bedroom home, small business, or vehicle. Store small to large items such as excess inventory, warehousing, sports equipment, small furniture sets, and boxes.
  • 10×30 Unit: Recommended for a four-bedroom(+) home with appliances or commercial inventory. This size is ideal for the contents of a large home.

Contact the location nearest you to start getting organized today. If you’re not sure what size you will need, our team of experts are here to help. We’ll assess your situation and make recommendations based on your needs and budget to make sure you get the right size to get the job done.